One of the leading principles of our company is, protecting security of visitors (shortly will be refered as “Data Owner”; your personel data here, operated by as controller Bonna Porselen Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi (shortly will be refered as “Company”). With the Website Privacy Policy (shortly will be referred as “Policy”.) Instructions are made about;
1. Processing Personal Data of Data Owners
2. Cookie Policy
3. The Force of Website Privacy Policy
Policy on the Protection of and Processing of Personal Data
The Law on the Protection of Personal Data, No: 6698(“Law” and/or “KVKK”) has entered into force on 07/04/2016; and, The Processing and Protection of Personal Data Policy (“Policy”)by Bonna Porselen Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi (“Company”), operated under the name Bonna, and the protection and processing of personal data by the Company.
It is aimed to determine the principles to be followed in fulfilling the related liabilities.
Personal Data Storage and Destruction Policy
Proctecting Personal Data has a great importance for our company and Bonna Porselen Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi (“Company”) has a maximum sensitivity in this regard. Accordingly, processing the personal data consistent with the expectations of persons and processing them in accordance with the Laws are only some of the fundamental building blocks of our company.
The Policy on the Protection and Processing of the Employees Personal Data
The Law on the Protection of Personal Data, No: 6698(“Law” and/or “KVKK”) has entered into force on 07/04/2016;
And, while ensuring compliance with the Law and while rocessing the personal data of the employees of Bonna Porselen Sanayı Ve Tıcaret Lımıted Sırketı (“Company“), hereby this Policy on the Processing and the Protection of Personal Data of Employees/ Candidates/ Interns (“Policy”) is intended to determine the principles to be followed in ensuring compliance with in fulfilling the obligations regarding the protection and processing of personal data by Company.
Data Owner Application Form
To download Data Owner Application Form please click here. Our team will reply your request after you send this form to [email protected].